Friday, July 3, 2009


Batman becomes the hottest movie in the summer of '89, and the soundtrack becomes Prince's comeback...sort of.
I actually liked this album alot when it was released. And i jumped on this one fast out of curiousity and all the hype that surrounded the cd and movie. Problem is Prince gets rid of all of his band for this album, basically recording it as one man show, with computerized drum machines, samples, and programmed instruments, meaning the older I get, the more this cd sounds outdated. So now, I really dont go 2 this album much @ all, unless it's for "Scandalous" which is of course, the one Prince ballad we get on every album.

So it was good for it's time upon release when i played it heavily. But now 2 me, it lacks originality, and it's too programmed for a Prince effort. Not really much for me to say here other than the videos he released for the singles were alot of fun and entertaining, like "Partyman", and "Batdance".
The "Scandalous" single was stretched out to a total of 18 minutes including him and Kim Bassinger which he was rumored to be linked to @ the time, and the flip side "Sex" was a pretty cool song, but by this point Prince seems to be going through the motions, and trying to re-create magic that aint gonna happen right now. But the Cd goes platinum on the strength of the movie anyway....go figure!

Standouts here are...."Electric Chair", "Partyman", "Scandalous"

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