Thursday, April 23, 2009


Basically (in my opinion) a continuation of where he left off with "Dirty Mind" More new wave influence, more influence of sex in the lyrics and straight ahead funk all rolled up into 8 strong songs.
He focuses on what pretty much are the topics of the day (Reagan.."Ronnie talk to Russia", gun control in schools and John Lennon..."Annie Christian", and most importantly the rumors of what he is about and who he is and where did he come from in the infamous "Controversy")
By this point in his career he has put his stamp on developing "The nasty ballad"..."Do me, baby"
which was something all us fans looked foward to on every Prince album. To me, if you get "Dirty Mind" you gotta get "Controversy"
(Message....if you bought the album when it first came out like myself, you were fortunate enough to get a very strange large poster of Prince in a shower with a crucifix in the background. Very strange poster indeed but.....hey it was Prince doin what Prince does!)

Standouts here are ....Controversy, Do me baby, and the ever so funky...Lets Work!)

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